In Ice Candy Man, Bapsi Sidhwa describes the communal violence and the turmoil during the partition through the eyes of Lenny - an eight year old young Parsi girl from Lahore. Lenny‘s comprehension of the horror and pity hovering over the city of Lahore is told through the story of what happens to her beloved Hindu Ayah- Shanta. Lenny is lame and helpless. Ayah looks after her as her sister and takes care of all her needs. She takes her outside in the pram on Waris road and Jail road frequently. Ayah‘s sexuality attracts men of varying occupations and religions. Of these suitors, Masseur and Dilnawaz (the Ice Candy Man) have strong rivalry against each other to win the favors of Ayah.
Lenny is eye witness to the amorous advances of Ayah towards her suitors. She is also becoming conscious about the changing environment around her. The rumours of the division of India are in the air. Political gatherings are very common raising slogans against the British Raj while demanding an independent homeland for the Muslims.
One day the riots breakout in Lahore in a locality far away from Lenny‘s house. This leads to the killing of innocent people on both sides. The news of bloodshed spreads like wild fire. Soon the entire Punjab province is seen burning in the fire of hatred and communal violence.
In the meanwhile, Ice Candy Man, out of sheer hatred and jealousy, manages to kill Masseur and paves his way to get Ayah. One day he waits for his sisters on Lahore railway station. When the train arrives from Gurdaspur, everyone on the platform is shocked to see the ghastly sight. The train is loaded with mutilated bodies of Muslim passengers. There is no woman on board but sacks full of the beasts.
This ugly sight turns friendly Dilnwaz into a person possessed with frenzy and a desire to kill all the Hindus. He loves Ayah from the core of his heart but this train scene makes him forget all his loyalties and devotion for Ayah. He abducts Ayah and takes her to the Hira Mandi of Lahore. Ayah is forced to offer her body to appease the sensual desires of the visitors and Ice Candy Man plays the pimp. She is just Hindu for Ice Candy Man. After a few months, Ayah is forced to embrace Islam and Ice Candy Man marries her as he is in true love with her. Only the urge for vengeance transforms him into beast and the killer.
Later with the help of Lenny‘s relatives, Ayah is rescued from the prostitution house and she reaches the relief camp at Amritsar. Ice Candy Man also follows her across the Wahga border into India. Lenny‘s delicate mind is shocked to see all this happening before her very eyes and she is unable to shun all these abominable realities.
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